Domain ID e5f0oA1

Download files:
  • A: alpha superhelices
  • X: Repetitive alpha hairpins
  • H: ARM repeat
  • T: ARM repeat
  • F: PDS5
UID: 001820994
Type: Manual and representative domain
Range: A:80-1093
PDB: 5f0o
PDB Description: cohesin subunit Pds5, KLTH0D07062p,KLTH0D07062p,KLTH0D07062p,cohesin subunit Pds5, KLTH0D07062p,KLTH0D07062p,KLTH0D07062p,cohesin subunit Pds5, KLTH0D07062p,KLTH0D07062p,KLTH0D07062p,cohesin subunit Pds5, KLTH0D07062p,KLTH0D07062p
UniProt: C5DGP8
Hsap BLAST neighbor: Q29RF7
Species: Lachancea thermotolerans

Structure of domain e5f0oA1

Domains in the same chain:

e5f0oA1 A:80-1093 Repetitive alpha hairpins ARM repeat ARM repeat

Domains in the same PDB:

e5f0oA1 A:80-1093 Repetitive alpha hairpins ARM repeat ARM repeat