Domain ID e5hh7A2

Download files:
  • A: few secondary structure elements
  • X: RING/U-box-like
  • H: RING/U-box-like
  • T: FYVE/PHD zinc finger
  • F: PHD
UID: 001790187
Type: Manual and representative domain
Range: A:162-215
Ligands: ZN
PDB: 5hh7
PDB Description: Origin of replication complex subunit 1B
UniProt: Q9SU24
Hsap BLAST neighbor: Q9P1Y6
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana

Structure of domain e5hh7A2

Domains in the same chain:

e5hh7A1 A:128-155,A:235-344 SH3 SH3 SH3
e5hh7A2 A:162-215 RING/U-box-like RING/U-box-like FYVE/PHD zinc finger

Domains in the same PDB:

e5hh7A1 A:128-155,A:235-344 SH3 SH3 SH3
e5hh7A2 A:162-215 RING/U-box-like RING/U-box-like FYVE/PHD zinc finger