Domain ID e6cebA1

Download files:
  • A: few secondary structure elements
  • X: EGF-like
  • H: Growth factor receptor domain
  • T: Growth factor receptor domain
  • F: Furin-like
UID: 002166146
Type: Automatic domain
Parent: e1igrA3
Range: A:157-310
Ligands: FUC NAG
PDB: 6ceb
PDB Description: Insulin receptor
UniProt: P06213
Hsap BLAST neighbor: P06213
Species: Homo sapiens

Structure of domain e6cebA1

Domains in the same chain:

e6cebA3 A:1-156 Single-stranded right-handed beta-helix Leucine-rich repeats Leucine-rich repeats
e6cebA1 A:157-310 EGF-like Growth factor receptor domain Growth factor receptor domain
e6cebA2 A:310-472 Single-stranded right-handed beta-helix Leucine-rich repeats Leucine-rich repeats
e6cebA4 A:472-598 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e6cebA5 A:595-656,A:754-808 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like

Domains in the same PDB:

e6cebA3 A:1-156 Single-stranded right-handed beta-helix Leucine-rich repeats Leucine-rich repeats
e6cebA1 A:157-310 EGF-like Growth factor receptor domain Growth factor receptor domain
e6cebA2 A:310-472 Single-stranded right-handed beta-helix Leucine-rich repeats Leucine-rich repeats
e6cebA4 A:472-598 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e6cebA5 A:595-656,A:754-808 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e6cebB3 B:1-156 Single-stranded right-handed beta-helix Leucine-rich repeats Leucine-rich repeats
e6cebB2 B:157-309 EGF-like Growth factor receptor domain Growth factor receptor domain
e6cebB1 B:310-472 Single-stranded right-handed beta-helix Leucine-rich repeats Leucine-rich repeats
e6cebB4 B:468-591 Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich Immunoglobulin-related Immunoglobulin/Fibronectin type III/E set domains/PapD-like
e6cebK1 K:1-21 Insulin-like Insulin-like Insulin-like
e6cebL1 L:1-30 Insulin-like Insulin-like Insulin-like
e6cebN1 N:1-21 Insulin-like Insulin-like Insulin-like
e6cebO1 O:1-30 Insulin-like Insulin-like Insulin-like