Domain ID e6jrpD1

Download files:
  • A: alpha arrays
  • X: HMG-box
  • H: HMG-box
  • T: HMG-box
  • F: HMG_box
UID: 002520684
Type: Automatic domain
Parent: e1j3dA1
Range: D:199-272
PDB: 6jrp
PDB Description: Protein capicua homolog
UniProt: Q96RK0
Hsap BLAST neighbor: Q96RK0
Species: Homo sapiens

Structure of domain e6jrpD1

Domains in the same chain:

e6jrpD1 D:199-272 HMG-box HMG-box HMG-box

Domains in the same PDB:

e6jrpA1 A:199-272 HMG-box HMG-box HMG-box
e6jrpD1 D:199-272 HMG-box HMG-box HMG-box
e6jrpG1 G:199-272 HMG-box HMG-box HMG-box
e6jrpJ1 J:199-272 HMG-box HMG-box HMG-box