Domain ID e6mzlA2

Download files:
  • A: beta complex topology
  • X: triple barrel
  • H: triple barrel
  • T: TFIID subunits TAF1-TAF7
  • F: DUF3591
UID: 002416952
Type: Automatic domain
Parent: e4oy2C2
Range: A:588-794,A:881-971,A:1054-1083
PDB: 6mzl
PDB Description: Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 1
UniProt: P21675
Hsap BLAST neighbor: P21675
Species: Homo sapiens

Structure of domain e6mzlA2

Domains in the same chain:

e6mzlA3 A:36-86 TAF(II)230 TBP-binding fragment TAF(II)230 TBP-binding fragment TAF(II)230 TBP-binding fragment
e6mzlA2 A:588-794,A:881-971,A:1054-1083 triple barrel triple barrel TFIID subunits TAF1-TAF7
e6mzlA1 A:795-880 HTH HTH winged

Domains in the same PDB:

e6mzlA3 A:36-86 TAF(II)230 TBP-binding fragment TAF(II)230 TBP-binding fragment TAF(II)230 TBP-binding fragment
e6mzlA2 A:588-794,A:881-971,A:1054-1083 triple barrel triple barrel TFIID subunits TAF1-TAF7
e6mzlA1 A:795-880 HTH HTH winged
e6mzlB3 B:20-254 Baculovirus p35 protein-related Baculovirus p35 protein-related Baculovirus p35 protein-related
e6mzlB1 B:255-648 Zincin-like Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain Metalloproteases ("zincins") catalytic domain
e6mzlB2 B:649-987 Repetitive alpha hairpins ARM repeat ARM repeat
e6mzlC1 C:28-99 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlH2 H:6-77 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlH1 H:217-473 Repetitive alpha hairpins ARM repeat ARM repeat
e6mzlI2 I:6-77 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlI1 I:207-473 Repetitive alpha hairpins ARM repeat ARM repeat
e6mzlJ1 J:11-106,J:128-154 triple barrel triple barrel TFIID subunits TAF1-TAF7
e6mzlN1 N:113-208 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlO1 O:113-208 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlP1 P:113-201 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlQ1 Q:55-128 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlR1 R:55-128 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlS1 S:31-75 Histone-like Histone-related Histone
e6mzlT1 T:159-256 TBP-like TATA-box binding protein-like TATA-box binding protein-like
e6mzlT2 T:257-338 TBP-like TATA-box binding protein-like TATA-box binding protein-like