Domain ID e1z7qF1

Download files:
  • A: a+b four layers
  • X: Ntn/PP2C
  • H: Ntn
  • T: Proteasome subunits
  • F: Proteasome,Proteasome_A_N
UID: 000087251
Type: Automatic domain
Parent: e1yarA1
Range: F:2-234
PDB: 1z7q
PDB Description: Proteasome component PRE5
UniProt: P40302
Hsap BLAST neighbor: P25786
Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Structure of domain e1z7qF1

Domains in the same chain:

e1z7qF1 F:2-234 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits

Domains in the same PDB:

e1z7qa1 a:1-222 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qA1 A:10-252 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qb1 b:1-233 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qB1 B:2-250 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qc1 c:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qC1 C:3-245 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qd1 d:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qD1 D:3-243 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qe1 e:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qE1 E:9-250 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qf1 f:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qF1 F:2-234 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qg1 g:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qG1 G:5-247 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qh1 h:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qH1 H:2-196 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qi1 i:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qI1 I:1-222 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qj1 j:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qJ1 J:1-204 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qk1 k:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qK1 K:2-198 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7ql1 l:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qL1 L:1-212 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qm1 m:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qM1 M:1-222 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qn1 n:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qN1 N:1-233 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qo1 o:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qO1 O:10-252 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qp1 p:1002-1231 Four-helical up-and-down bundle Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Proteasome activator reg(alpha)
e1z7qP1 P:2-250 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qQ1 Q:3-245 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qR1 R:3-243 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qS1 S:9-250 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qT1 T:2-234 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qU1 U:5-247 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qV1 V:2-196 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qW1 W:1-222 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qX1 X:1-204 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qY1 Y:2-198 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits
e1z7qZ1 Z:1-212 Ntn/PP2C Ntn Proteasome subunits

Structural contacts of domain e1z7qF1 of H-group "Ntn":

The domain and its neighboring domains (both within the asymmetric unit and to crystallographic symmetry mates) are represented by spheres and linked by lines. Distances between the center of the domain and interfaces are shown for each contact.

Domain IDSymmetry operatorH-groupVisualization
e1z7qG1 F:X,Y,Z->G:x,y,z Ntn Interaction Interface Pymol
e1z7qE1 F:x,y,z->E:X,Y,Z Ntn Interaction Interface Pymol
e1z7qN1 F:X,Y,Z->N:x,y,z Ntn Interaction Interface Pymol
e1z7qg1 F:X,Y,Z->g:x,y,z Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Interaction Interface Pymol
e1z7qM1 F:X,Y,Z->M:x,y,z Ntn Interaction Interface Pymol
e1z7qf1 F:X,Y,Z->f:x,y,z Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Interaction Interface Pymol
e1z7qR1 F:X-1/2,-Y+1/2,-Z->R:x,y,z Ntn Interaction Interface Pymol
e1z7qh1 F:X,Y,Z->h:x,y,z Proteasome activator reg(alpha) Interaction Interface Pymol