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NES candidate motifs (experimentally validated)

The list of candidate NES motifs experimentally validated and reported in NESdb and validNES databases.

Each segment was scored via the STAR-system, i.e., how many criteria can be passed: i) not located in the ordered region, ii) do not have beta strand in the middle, iii) good or medium Ebind scores, and iv) the hydrophobic positions in NES consensus overlap with the cancer-related mutations. The following lists are for the predicted as highly plausible and cancer-related NES motifs with five STAR scores.

By cliking the name of the protein, you can retrieve each plot.

  • sequence: Hydrophobic positions are colored in red. The positions with the experimental evidence is marked with '*' (mutation) and '+' (functional sequence in NESdb or sites in validNES). The positions with '.' are for the region annotated in the long (more than 25 residues) functional sequence or site.
  • class: NES classes 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1aR (reverse class of 1a), 1cR, 2, 2-rev (Rev type class 2), 3, and 4. The first letter "c" is for "class", and the number after hyphen ("-") is for the number of key hydrophobic positions. For example, c1a-4 means class 1a with the non-hydrophobic phi0 position. c1a-5 is for class 1a which have all hydrophobic residues in their phi0-4 positions.
  • loc_DISO: location of the segment with respect to the ordered/disordered regions
  • loc_CDD: location of the segment with respect to the conserved region annotated in the Conserved Domain Database (CDD)
  • beta: beta-strand content in the middle of the segment
  • Ebind: binding energy; Strong (less than -40.0), Medium (-40.0~-33.0), Weak (-33.0~-30.0), or Bad (higher than -30.0)
  • Cosmic: if the key hydrophobic positions are mapped to the COSMIC mutation position, flagged with "cosmic_phi"; in cases where the hydrophobic residue is mutated to a conservative Leu, Ile, Val, Met, or Phe, flagged with "cosmic_phi_to_LIVMF"; if the spacer residues are mapped to the mutation position, flagged with "cosmic_spacer"; when the C-terminal spacer residues are mutated Pro, flagged with "cosmic_spacer_Pro"


name uniprotID start# sequence secondary class loc_DISO loc_CDD beta Ebind cosmic TOTALscore(Ebind|Stars)
Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 2 Q13490 527 CLKEIDSTLYKNLFVDK HHHHHHCHHHHHHHHCC c1c-5 DISO boundary|CARD_BIRC2_BIRC3; 0.0 -35.185 cosmic_phi Medium|
Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 Q16236 246 FLNAFEDSFSSILS
HHHCCCCCCCCCCC c3-4 DISO 0.0 -34.245 cosmic_phi Medium|
Double-stranded RNA-specific adenosine deaminase P55265 122 GVDCLSSHFQELSIYQ
CCCHHHHHHHCCCCCH c1a-5 boundary boundary|z-alpha; 0.0 -39.821 cosmic_phi Medium|
Fanconi anemia group A protein O15360 649 PLGQLTAALGELRA HHHHHHHHHHHHHH c3-4 boundary 0.0 -38.856 cosmic_phi Medium|
Fanconi anemia group A protein O15360 1252 EREELLVFLFFFSLMG CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1a-4 boundary 0.0 -32.566 cosmic_phi Weak|
COMM domain-containing protein 1 Q8N668 134 HSAQIHTPVAIIELEL
HHCCCCCCEEEEEEEE c1a-4 boundary middle|Commd1_MURR1; 0.43 -35.367 cosmic_phi Medium|
DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha P11388 1051 QARFILEKIDGKIIIEN
HHHHHHHHHCCCCEECC c1c-4 boundary middle|PTZ00108; middle|TOP4c; 0.0 -34.752 cosmic_phi Medium|
DNA topoisomerase 2-alpha P11388 1052 ARFILEKIDGKIIIEN
HHHHHHHHCCCCEECC c1aR-4 boundary middle|PTZ00108; middle|TOP4c; 0.0 -35.053 cosmic_phi Medium|
MLX-interacting protein Q9HAP2 122 IDASLTKLFECMTLAY
CCCCHHHHHHHHCHHH c1a-4 boundary 0.0 -41.76 cosmic_spacer_Pro Strong|
Beclin-1 Q14457 429 LKFMLTNLKWGLAWVS HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1aR-5 boundary boundary|APG6; 0.0 -34.603 cosmic_phi Medium|
Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 7B Q9UGR2 151 SVTQLGQELAQKLGLRV HHHHHHHHHHHHHCHHH c1c-5 DISO boundary|DUF3856 superfamily; 0.0 -37.725 cosmic_phi Medium|
Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 7B Q9UGR2 277 FGPELDTLLDSLSLVQ
CCHHHHHHHHHHHHCC c1a-4 DISO 0.0 -30.475 cosmic_phi Weak|
Paxillin P49023 337 MLGSLQSDLNKLGVAT HHHHHHHHHHHCCHHH c1a-5 boundary boundary|LIM1_Paxillin_like; 0.0 -38.072 cosmic_phi Medium|
Protein chibby homolog 1 Q9Y3M2 91 LRLKVDILLDMLSEST HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1aR-4 DISO boundary|Chibby; 0.0 -30.805 cosmic_phi Weak|
Pericentrin O95613 2030 LQSELLLVKNEMRLSL HHHHHHHCHHHHCCCC c1d-4 DISO 0.0 -31.175 cosmic_phi Weak|
Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4 Q13485 137 VSPGIDLSGLTLQS
CCCCCCCCCCCCCC c2-4 DISO boundary|MH1_SMAD_4; 0.0 -35.798 cosmic_phi Medium|
Dysbindin Q96EV8 124 SFEEVENNLLHLED HHHHHHHHHHHHHH c3-4 boundary 0.0 -32.789 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
          *  *  
ECHHHHHHHCCCCCCC c1a-4 DISO middle|Dysbindin; 0.0 -46.069 cosmic_phi Strong|
MutS protein homolog 4 O15457 224 LFTLITENFKNVNFTT HHHHHHHHCCCCEEEE c1a-5 boundary middle|MutS; 0.0 -33.536 cosmic_phi Medium|
DNA mismatch repair protein Mlh1 P40692 579 PAPLFDLAMLALDS
CCCHHHHHHHHHCC c2-4 boundary middle|Mlh1_C; 0.0 -36.906 cosmic_spacer_Pro Medium|
Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 Q14145 297 CKDYLVKIFEELTLHK
HHHHHHHHHHHHHCCC c1a-4 boundary middle|PHA03098; boundary|BACK_KLHL19_KEAP1; 0.0 -38.486 cosmic_phi Medium|
Catenin delta-1 O60716 656 YELLFQPEVVRIYISL HHHHCCHHHHHHHHHH c1a-4 boundary 0.0 -31.066 cosmic_phi Weak|
TAR DNA-binding protein 43 Q13148 244 CGEDLIIKGISVHI
HCCCEEECCEEEEE c2-4 boundary boundary|RRM2_TDP43; boundary|RRM; 0.57 -36.57 cosmic_phi Medium|
Huntingtin P42858 307 STLLILGVLLTLRYLV CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1aR-5 boundary 0.0 -36.831 cosmic_phi Medium|
Huntingtin P42858 843 SELGLQLIIDVLTLRN HHHHHHHHHHHHHHCC c1a-4 boundary 0.0 -30.805 cosmic_phi Weak|
Huntingtin P42858 845 LGLQLIIDVLTLRN HHHHHHHHHHHHCC c2-4 boundary 0.0 -31.191 cosmic_phi Weak|
Huntingtin P42858 985 RGYNLLPSITDVTMEN CCCCCCCCCCCHHHHH c1a-4 DISO 0.0 -30.356 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
Huntingtin P42858 2692 TPAILISEVVRSLLVVS CCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1c-4 boundary 0.0 -33.327 cosmic_spacer_Pro Medium|
Huntingtin P42858 2693 PAILISEVVRSLLVVSD CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1c-4 boundary 0.0 -32.859 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
Huntingtin P42858 2693 PAILISEVVRSLLVVS CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1a-4 boundary 0.0 -36.362 cosmic_spacer_Pro Medium|
Tropomodulin-1 P28289 124 SDAELCDIAAILGMHT
CHHHHHHHHHHHCCCH c1d-4 DISO boundary|Tropomodulin; 0.0 -39.196 cosmic_spacer_Pro Medium|
Selenocysteine insertion sequence-binding protein 2 Q96T21 673 LVLGLREVLKHLKLKK EEECHHHHHHHHHCCC c1a-5 DISO boundary|Ribosomal_L7Ae; boundary|Ribosomal_L7Ae superfamily; 0.0 -35.183 cosmic_phi Medium|
Protein PAT1 homolog 1 Q86TB9 648 PSVSITSLLRQLMNLPQ CHHHHHHHHHHHHCCCC c1c-4 boundary boundary|PAT1; 0.0 -32.815 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
Serine/threonine-protein kinase PAK 4 O96013 541 VSPSLKGFLDRLLVRD
CCHHHHHHHHHHCCCC c1a-4 boundary middle|STKc_PAK4; boundary|S_TKc; 0.0 -32.558 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
Inositol polyphosphate multikinase Q8NFU5 402 GLKHLISVLRSILD HHHHHHHHHHHHHH c3-4 terminal boundary|IPK; 0.0 -31.945 cosmic_phi Weak|
Dual specificity protein kinase TTK P33981 808 EMKYVLGQLVGLNS HHHHHHHHHHCCCC c3-4 DISO boundary|PKc_Mps1; boundary|Pkinase; 0.0 -36.547 cosmic_phi Medium|
NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha P25963 93 VIRQVKGDLAFLNFQN HHHHHHHCCCCCCCCC c1a-5 boundary middle|Ank_2; boundary|Ank_2; 0.0 -31.206 cosmic_phi Weak|
Interferon regulatory factor 3 Q14653 408 YKAYLQDLVEGMDFQG HHHHHHHHHHHCCCCC c1a-4 DISO boundary|IRF-3; 0.0 -31.883 cosmic_phi Weak|
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor P35869 114 EGEFLLQALNGFVLVVT HHHHHHHHCCCEEEEEE c1c-4 boundary boundary|PAS; boundary|PAS; 0.12 -33.841 cosmic_phi Medium|
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor P35869 115 GEFLLQALNGFVLVVT HHHHHHHCCCEEEEEE c1aR-5 boundary boundary|PAS; boundary|PAS; 0.14 -30.569 cosmic_phi Weak|
Transcription factor E2F1 Q01094 202 RLEGLTQDLRQLQE HHHHHHHHHHHHHH c3-4 boundary boundary|E2F_TDP; boundary|E2F_DD; 0.0 -32.276 cosmic_phi Weak|
Cellular tumor antigen p53 P04637 336 ERFEMFRELNEALELKD
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1c-4 boundary small|P53_tetramer; 0.0 -30.193 cosmic_phi Weak|
Forkhead box protein O3 O43524 546 GSRALSNSVSNMGLSE CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC c1a-4 DISO 0.0 -34.707 cosmic_phi Medium|
Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR P42345 1099 AIQLFGANLDDYLHLLL HHHHHHHCHHHHHHHHH c1c-5 boundary middle|TEL1; 0.0 -35.562 cosmic_phi Medium|
Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR P42345 2008 QAMMVSEELIRVAILW HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH c1a-4 boundary middle|TEL1; boundary|FRB_dom; 0.0 -32.351 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
Protein Tob1 P50616 9 LNFIISYLYNKLPRRR
HHHHHHHHHHCCCHHH c1aR-4 terminal boundary|btg1; 0.0 -30.129 cosmic_phi Weak|
Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha Q16665 58 SVMRLTISYLRVRK HHHHHHHHHHHHHH c2-5 DISO boundary|HLH; 0.0 -31.338 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha Q16665 89 NCFYLKALDGFVMVLT HHHHHHHCCCEEEEEE c1aR-5 boundary boundary|HLH; boundary|PAS; 0.14 -36.084 cosmic_phi Medium|
Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha Q16665 92 YLKALDGFVMVLTD HHHHCCCEEEEEEC c3-4 boundary boundary|HLH; boundary|PAS; 0.43 -31.005 cosmic_phi Weak|
Estrogen receptor P03372 530 CKNVVPLYDLLLEM HCCCCCHHHHHHHH c2-4 boundary boundary|NR_LBD_ER; 0.0 -37.509 cosmic_phi Medium|
Separin Q14674 562 KELQLKTLRDSLSGWD CCCCHHHHHHHHCCCC c1aR-4 boundary 0.0 -33.999 cosmic_phi Medium|
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1 Q9UDY8 438 NCLCVQNILKLMQEKE HCEEHHHHHHHHHHCC c1aR-4 boundary middle|Peptidase_C14; 0.0 -30.512 cosmic_spacer_Pro Weak|
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1 Q9UDY8 473 TIPILDALKVTA
CCCHHHCCCCCC c2-rev boundary middle|Peptidase_C14; 0.0 -36.347 cosmic_phi Medium|
Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 54 Q6NXT1 257 QRERLDDLCTRLQMTS HHHHHHCCCCHHHHHC c1d-4 boundary 0.0 -32.022 cosmic_phi Weak|
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 21 Q9UK80 131 GTGELGAALSRLALRP
CCCCCCCCCCHHCCCC c1a-4 DISO 0.0 -36.843 cosmic_phi Medium|