Human/Server Targets
387 389 391 393
395 396 397 399
401 403 405 407
409 411 413 415
417 419 421 423
425 427 429 431
434 437 440 443
446 449 451 454
457 460 462 464
465 466 467 468
469 471 473 474
476 480 482 484
487 489 492 493
495 496 498 499

Analysis of Human/Server CASP8 targets

A collection of pages for Human/Server CASP8 targets. These pages allow you to stay within and browse through Human/Server targets.
Links to individual target pages are below and in the menu to the right.
387 389 391 393
395 396 397 399
401 403 405 407
409 411 413 415
417 419 421 423
425 427 429 431
434 437 440 443
446 449 451 454
457 460 462 464
465 466 467 468
469 471 473 474
476 480 482 484
487 489 492 493
495 496 498 499
Links to other specialized target pages:

Human/Server targets
X-ray targets

Server only targets
NMR targets