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Analysis of CASP9 targets and predictions

Official site Download: target seq | target str | domain def | FM evaluation scores

These web pages present the analysis of CASP9 targets and predictions by the Grishin lab. Only 3D models (TS: Tertiary structure prediction) were used here, other types of predictions, such as high-resolution, disorder, or function, were not considered. Predictions were evaluated using LGA GDT-TS scores and several other methods. Targets were analyzed individually for their sequence-structure properties and prediction quality. PDB structures of targets were modified to match target sequences, and evolutionary domains were deduced from structures. Evaluation of predictions was performed on both domains and whole chains of targets, and the effects of domain parsing on the evaluation were examined. NMR structures were processed for evaluation, poorly structured regions being removed. Server models superimposed with target structures can be downloaded and visualized as PyMOL scripts.

Please be kind to inform us about bugs and other problems you see.

Acknowledgments: We are grateful to: CASP organizers for their vision and leadership;
structural biologists, in particular PSI consortia, who generously provided structures for CASP9;
and predictors who developed servers that generated predictions making this work possible.
The header and the menu to the right will show you the way, alternatively, use links below.
FM targets evaluation
regular scores
FM targets evaluation
ratio of scores to top server model
Overview of
To display structures with a mouse-click

Domain parse of targets

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Target category definition

Scores used in evaluation

Random model and random score

Changing PDBs to match targets

Target structures modified to match target sequences
Discussion of whole chain vs. domain evaluations

Preparation of NMR structures

Download: target seq | target str | domain def | FM evaluation scores